Automotive engine gates cam car timing belt
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, China (Mainland) |
Product Detail
Automotive engine gates cam car timing belt,Timing Belt
We produced the high quality timing belt for 3D printer. The rubber timing belt and PU timing belt that used the materials can be up to the standard of Europe ROSH. GT2 timing belt is widely used in the desktop 3D printer.We can provided the open type synchronous belt. It can be 50 meters per roll. Or more longer. Also Can be ring synchronous belt, but it need a mold to produce, we have the most kinds of GT2 mold, all kinds of specifications we have.I provided a form that included a part of the GT2 synchronous belt mould, if you need these models, or other models that not in this form, please contact us.The width of the synchronous belt is customer specified, it is no problem.If the purchasing quantity is large, we will print your company name and model on the synchronous belt.(only English name)Modellong Modellong102-2GT-6102308-2GT-6308110-2GT-6110 320-2GT-6320122-2GT-6122348-2GT-6348124-2GT-6124350-2GT-6350126-2GT-6126400-2GT-6400128-2GT-6128410-2GT-6410130-2GT-6130430-2GT-6430132-2GT-6132450-2GT-6450 134-2GT-6134460-2GT-6460136-2GT-6136488-2GT-6488 140-2GT-6140494-2GT-6494150-2GT-6150500-2GT-6500154-2GT-6154520-2GT-6520 158-2GT-6158524-2GT-6524160-2GT-6160540-2GT-6540172-2GT-6172600-2GT-6600180-2GT-6180606-2GT-6606186-2GT-6186610-2GT-6610188-2GT-6188616-2GT-6616190-2GT-6190670-2GT-6670 192-2GT-6192696-2GT-6696194-2GT-6194752-2GT-6752 200-2GT-6200760-2GT-6760202-2GT-6202784-2GT-6784 204-2GT-6204810-2GT-6810 208-2GT-6208848-2GT-6848228-2GT-6228 860-2GT-6860 232-2GT-6232900-2GT-6900 240-2GT-6240930-2GT-6930 252-2GT-6252976-2GT-6976260-2GT-62601140-2GT-61140264-2GT-62641220-2GT-61220268-2GT-62681350-2GT-61350280-2GT-62801360-2GT-61360288-2GT-62881524-2GT-61524 294-2GT-6294550-2GT-6550302-2GT-6302840-2GT-6840220-2GT-6220640-2GT-6640336-2GT-6336528-2GT-6528444-2GT-64441000-2GT-61000112-2GT-6112120-2GT-612098-2GT-698
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